Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Adoption Update

Nothing exciting to report, we are still just waiting. It seems our wait could be a long one...

Hopscotch (our agency) has recently updated the timeline on their website to say, 1st approval is estimated to take 3-4 months or more (this is the point in the process we are currently at), 2nd approval takes 3-5 months, and final approval takes 1-2 months. Since we submitted our dossier on September 22, this puts us traveling in May at the earliest, and August at the latest. Or not.

We will just continue to keep ourselves busy (won't be much of a problem!) and enjoy our monthly updates on Joseph. He continues to look really good, he is sitting up independently and crawling all over the place. The latest update says that he has had some difficulty with vomiting often, not sure what that is about. Reflux? Allergy? Hopefully it will clear up soon. They took him to the hospital at one point, but nobody seems to be able to read the doctors scribbling well enough to translate the diagnosis.

Hang in there buddy, we will be there ASAP!

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