Friday, February 10, 2012

Birthday Bonus

I sent my Mom, at her request, Marney's birthday wish list.  One of the items was a can on paint. Marney has been wanting her room painted since we moved in, and I have not had the time or energy to fill that request.  So I half-jokingly included in parentheses (and Dad too for the weekend, to help her paint!)  Well, lo and behold, Mom e-mailed me back and said, "I think we can make that happen. " Woo-Hoo!  

As an extra added bonus, Jacob was included in the package!

Grandpa's here!

Hard at work.

Out for a walk in the woods, on an unusually dreary day.

Jacob faithfully wore his rosary.  I still have it, Jake!  I promise to send it soon.

The finished product.  A happy girl, and a cute room.

Thank you so much to our family for being spontaneous and making this happen, we are all so grateful.  So far since we moved, we have had a visit of some sort to look forward to every 12 weeks or so.  I has helped so much.  We are very lucky to have family that cares enough to make such an effort.  Looking forward to our next get together in March! 

1 comment:

  1. Marney's room looks really cute! You can hang on to the rosary until we see you next month :)
